From Our Community: New Film ‘Davis Out of the Unknown’ Highlights Life with KdVS

“Davis Out of the Unknown” – A Family’s Journey with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome

Davis Out of the Unknown was created to highlight one family’s life with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome, a rare disease. This documentary features a North Carolina family as they fight to find a treatment for their seven-year-old son.

The name “Davis Out of the Unknown” comes from the fact that they do not know what the future holds for Davis. Will he be able to drive (he suffered a stroke and has partial blindness)? Will he graduate from high school or will his cognitive/intellectual delay be too much to overcome? Will he regress from one too many seizures? One seizure could change Davis forever, the family must push hard for a treatment and to preserve a new kind of normal.

The film has been screened at numerous film festivals and conferences.  It won the Premio Speciale USR-Telethon Award at the Uno Sguardo Raro Film Festival (the European Rare Disease Film Festival).

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